Good evening Kids! I'm Mckenna. My friends just call me Kenna so seeing as how we are all friends here you can call me Kenna too.
Well, let's see where did this all start? Oh yes, I rememeber now...Well, I was having my usual coffee at the cafe and Lolly stopped in. While sipping on the my yummy triple mocha venti frappe extra whip skinny, she asked if I would help with her blog....and of course I said YES!!
So Friday is my day...and today I decided to Fish because after all I am the Queen of fishing here in
So I am going to share a couple of pictures with you.....
The first one is me catching a Koi. I was really excited , because I haven't caught many of them.

The next picture is me stomping on bugs in Jason's house.....I'm always having to help him.
He is a good friend so I don't mind. Well, not that much!!

Next I went to the river and I caught a Arapaima. It was a tough one. It is HUGE, and gave me quite the workout. ( which I used as an excuse, so I didn't have to go to the Gym tonight).

Well, it's getting late, and I'm so tired it feels like there are little weights on my eylids .
I bid you adieu from Chloewood.